Katherine Mansfield as a short story writer occupies an unrivalled place among her contemporaries. Hope this article will throw much light on the brilliance of Katherine Mansfield as a short story writer.

Katherine Mansfield as a short story writer

In the realm of Modern English literature the literary medium of the short story was found much admired and exploited successfully by some eminent writers of the age.

Among them some particular writers have contributed immensely to this specific literary field. Katherine Mansfield is an important name in this respect.

Short stories by Katherine Mansfield

Katherine Mansfield's short stories includes  includes, "In a German Pension" , "Bliss" , "The Garden Party", "Dove's Nest" and "Something Childish".

Qualities of Katherine Mansfield as a short story writer

As a writer of short stories, Katherine Mansfield stands out to be the first to follow in the footsteps of the Russian novelist and short story writer, Anton Chekhov, whose works she admired inordinately.

Preserving the very qualities of a good short story as brevity, concentration of interest, singleness of impression, lively art of characterisation and strict economy of narration, in her short stories we trace some unique characteristics of her writing which are discussed below.

Katherine Mansfield appeared as an impressionist in her art and sought to portray with objectivity, "the significant moment in human relationship, curious and subtle spiritual adventure and the poignant ironies of contrasting human emotions".

Some of her short stories have the setting of New Zealand life, while in others she presents the weariness and frustration of her English life.

Again, her stories are marked with a note of somberness and are characterized with a haunting sense of pathos.

But, the most striking feature of Mansfield's stories is the presentation of "one set of events and consequences while really indicating another" . Thus, one should turn, "Prelude",  "To the Bay", "The Fly" , "The Garden Party"  to have a glimpse of the subtle psychological art of Katherine Mansfield.

Thus, presenting the lives of ordinary mortals in her "poetic, delicate and ironic stories" , she remains an eminent figure among the short story writer of her trend. Moreover, she enhanced much to the popularity of English short stories.

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